E-Mail Marketing

E-Mail Marketing

Today e-mail marketing is a vital part of day to day business. We at Outdoorsman Media Group specialize in developing e-mail marketing solutions targeting the outdoor sports industry.

We have distributed hundreds of thousands of e-mails throughout Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California promoting hunting fishing related services. 

As you may already know to build an e-mail list is time-consuming and costly. We make it easy. Through our network of hunting and fishing sites, we built a list of over 600,000 hunting and fishing enthusiasts. Promoting your business to our e-mail list will cost a fraction of purchasing your own list and we can produce much faster results than if you attempted to build your own.

All we need from you is your marketing message. You create an e-mail Text or HTML and we blast it out to our list. See for yourself the kinds of results you can achieve with OMG’s e-mail marketing platform.